Terms of use

Terms and conditions of mmarkets.gr


  • Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA created the website www.mmarkets.gr in order to offer information and services to users about the company, its activity, stores, products, partnerships, etc.
  • The use of www.mmarkets.gr is governed by the present terms and conditions, which every user must read carefully and comply with. The use of www.mmarkets.gr also implies the automatic acceptance of these terms, as they apply each time.

Minors are prohibited from using the websites and services of www.mmarkets.gr which, according to the law, are intended exclusively for adults. If, nevertheless, minors voluntarily visit or use services aimed at adults, Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA bears no responsibility and in any case it is assumed that in such cases there is parental consent.

  • Nikolaos Mathioudakis S.A. may, at its absolute discretion, modify these mmarkets.gr Terms and Conditions of Use without prior notice or information, but is obliged to update these terms immediately. The users of www.mmarkets.gr can be informed about the date of the last update of these terms from the relevant notice on this website.
  • In the event that the use of any service of mmarkets.gr is governed by more specific terms, these terms are considered as a set with the present terms, but in the event of a conflict, the more specific terms of each service prevail.

Any invalidity of any of the present Terms does not result in the invalidity of the rest. The non-practice by Nikolaos Mathioudakis S.A. of her rights under these Terms does not imply a waiver of these rights. Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA is not responsible for a breach of these Terms due to force majeure.

CONTENT - RESPONSIBILITY Nikolaos Mathioudakis S.A.

  • mmarkets.gr is used "as is" without the possibility of modifications or other interventions on the part of the users.
  • The content included on this website includes valid, up-to-date and legal information.

Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA make every effort so that the information and in general the content available through mmarkets.gr are governed by clarity, accuracy and completeness. In any case, Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA. does not bear any responsibility towards the visitor/user of www.mmarkets.gr for damage that may have been caused to him due to not updating the information provided.

  • The responsibility of Nikolaos Mathioudakis S.A. is limited exclusively to providing information about its fields of activity and its services provided.

The information on the products that may be displayed or available through the website has been compiled by the producers and mentions everything that is provided by the current legislation.

  • www.mmarkets.gr refers through "links", hyperlinks or advertising banners to other websites, the providers of which have full responsibility for the security, legality and validity of the content. Users should be aware of the terms of use of the specific websites and accept them.

In any case, Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA. does not bear any responsibility towards the users for their use of these websites simply and only from viewing them through www.mmarkets.gr, nor does it bear any responsibility for the offers of third parties.

  • Nikolaos Mathoudakis S.A. is not responsible for any claims of a legal or civil and/or criminal nature nor for any damage (positive, special or collateral, which indicatively and not restrictively, disjunctively and/or cumulatively consists of loss of profits, given lost profits, monetary compensation, etc.) by website visitors or third parties for reasons related to the operation or non-operation and/or use of the website and/or failure to provide services and/or information available from it and/or services and/or information available Through him.


  • The user / visitor of the "site" is obliged to make lawful and appropriate use of the website and to observe the present terms and conditions. The user / visitor of the "site" is obliged to refrain from any illegal, contrary to business ethics, unfair and abusive use of the content and services of the website.

The brand name, distinctive title, mark, images, graphics, distinguishing features, texts and everything else contained in the website www.mmarkets.gr are protected intellectual and industrial property of Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA. Trademarks, names, or other intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties, displayed on the website www.mmarkets.gr are protected in accordance with current legislation. The user is prohibited from copying, reproducing, disseminating, making available, transmitting or using them in any way, beyond the uses expressly defined on this website.

Any act that contravenes Greek legislation or may harm Nikolaos Mathioudakis S.A. and/or third parties is expressly prohibited, such as indicatively and not restrictively:

1. causing, through the use of the website, harm to any third party and especially to minors in any way,

2. intervention on the website with the aim of misleading any third party as to the origin of the content of the website with the ultimate aim of causing damage to the image and reputation of Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA. or jeopardizing the security of transactions or preventing free access to the specific website,

3. the distortion of the information contained about the products and/or services as well as the publication of undocumented and duly proven information, news, opinions, etc. that aim to mislead the consumer public, the direct or indirect influence of their behavior as well as the damage of Nikolaos Mathioudakis S.A. and products and/or services,

4. the installation and/or promotion, in any way, of any type of unsolicited or unauthorized advertising or unsolicited electronic messages (spam), chain letters, pyramid schemes or any other form of content promotion as well as the installation of advertising messages without the written consent approval of Mathioudakis SA

5. the installation of code, program files that can in any way cause malfunctions to the specific website or that can hinder its use by third parties.

In case of violation of these terms, Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA. reserves the right to exercise any of its legal rights for the defense and safeguarding of its interests and the offenders are obliged to restore any damage to Nikolaos Mathioudakis SA.


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